Wednesday, July 7, 2010


Wow-- a lot has been going on since our last post in April. Josh and I closed on our new house on April 23, 2010. What an exciting and scary day! The house we purchased had a lot of work that needed to be done. (really things that we wanted to do) So we closed on our new house and Josh got straight to work. I actually left for almost a week for a conference in Atlanta, GA that I was scheduled to attend for work. Crazy timing but God's perfect timing.

For about a month and a half Josh and a bunch of our AMAZING friends and family members worked so HARD on the house to get it ready for us to move into. Josh did projects I think he only dreamed about doing, for example: sanding and staining our hardwood floors, enlarging a closest, drywall work, electrical work, and so much more!! Thanks to my wonderful parents, their continued patience with us allowing us the time to work on the house verses having to move out right away was such a huge help. Without their generosity we wouldn't have made it! Even Josh's parents were put to work while they were out on their vacation. They did so much in such a short period of time.... so much support!!

(Josh working on our closet)
(Our Den--- imagine brown shag carpet and wood paneling walls)

(Debbie/Josh's Mom working hard on transforming the Den)
(Don/Josh's Dad working on sanding the floors- in the babies room)

So, the second weekend of June we rented a U-haul, borrowed my brother-n-law's truck and our friends and loaded up and headed out to our new home. We had so many hands and backs helping us move..... it in fact was an emotional day and a reminder of God's love and grace. He has provided us with such true and loving friends and family members that will always leave an impact on our lives. We have been so blessed!

It has now been almost a month since we moved in and the boxes are still shoved in corners. But, we have done SO MUCH! Josh continues to work on projects daily and I am slowly figuring out where to put things as well as taking care of Payton who is becoming more and more active. I love the feel of this house..... it really is starting to feel like home. We have met several neighbors and are excited for new friendships. Saying goodbye to Tuckahoe has been hard as we continue to go there weekly to clean, etc. to get it ready for my parents, but seeing that we are surrounded by great people in our new home is SUCH a comfort.

I hope to post more pictures of our new home soon, but I am honestly waiting til I get things a little bit more under control. HA! Until then I post a few... :)

12 Wedgewood Drive North!
Our bedroom- work in progress!

New sofa in our new Den!!

Our Den!!

Babies room- currently Payton's room
My sister, Kim and her kiddos came to see the new place (before we moved in)

On another note, we have some more exciting news! Payton is going to be a big sister in December! Josh and I are expecting our second child December 19th!! I am in my 16th week and feeling good. We are very excited to welcome another baby into our lives... the timing of it all has been some what funny as poor Josh was unable to get a lot of help from me in the stress months of preparing and moving. Some may think I planned it that way, but it honestly was hard feeling helpless at times. Regardless, we have been blessed with another baby. We are praying for continued good health and can't wait to find out in a couple weeks for sure what we are having.... PINK or BLUE???

My handsome hubby on his Birthday! In our new kitchen!

Payton loves her new playroom/DEN! :)
Well I am off to try and clean and unpack..... our new adventure as begun!!

Friday, April 9, 2010

A new chapter approaches...

TUCKAHOE DRIVE..... thank you for some great memories!

(first month at Tuckahoe, trying to fix the yard)

As I finally have time to update our blog, it has started to sink in that a new chapter is approaching for the Smith family on Tuckahoe Drive. We have been blessed to live on Tuckahoe Drive since August 2005. Five years later, we are moving! We have loved this home and I know that it will be bitter sweet leaving. This home carries so many great memories!

(the night Josh asked me to marry him!)

First- Josh and I were newlyweds in this home. Josh moved in August 2005 and began his study's at Christopher Newport University. I joined him in October of the same year after we were married. The first couple years of our marriage took place in this home, jobs at Lowes, CNU and the adventures of experiencing living on our own for the first time. Those couple of years will always be so precious.

(eight months pregnant, relaxing with Max (left) and Toby (right))
Secondly- Payton was yes, conceived in this home. (laughing as I type this) I found out I was pregnant one evening in March 2008 that we would be expecting our first bundle of joy that winter. The shock of the reality of things to come was faced in this home. Josh had just started working at Northrop Grumman and I had finally reached a position at CNU that I loved in the Career Development department. Life was going to change in a big way... all while living in this home.

Thirdly- Payton was brought home to this house in December 2008 (though born on November 30th). My mother had a sign (homemade) in the front yard as we returned from the hospital. Our doggies sat in the window anticipating Payton's arrival as well as mine. I will always tear up thinking about the first year of Payton's life in this home. Her first time sitting up, smiling, crawling, walking... her first BIRTHDAY party, first Christmas and so much more. Knowing that Payton will more than likely never remember those moments in this house will be sad for me but I know a part of life. I will miss being reminded of those moments as I walk through this home for just a month or so longer.

from daddy's garden
birthday celebration
Lastly- I will miss our Tuckahoe Homegroup meetings on Wednesday evenings. For a couple years now we have hosted bible study in this home. We have made amazing friends (which are not going away) and have created a strong community. I will miss having these folks over weekly and growing together through our Lord and Savior. Though I know some of the people that attend on Wednesday evenings will join us at our new home, things will not be the same. Adjustment for us will be needed--- still doesn't change the wonderful memories or girls nights, ROCK BAND night, game nights, Murder Mystery Dinner parties and so much more. Our love for our Tuckahoe family will go on, but change is inevitable.

So some of you may be wondering, WHERE ARE YOU MOVING? If all goes well, we are scheduled to close on our new home April 23, 2010. Only a couple weeks away and I have yet to pack ANYTHING. HA! I think I am in denial but at the same time I am very excited. We will be moving across town to a home closer to church on Wedgewood Drive! (close to Big Bethel Reservoir) More info on our new home to come soon once we close! However, the idea of our FIRST home that we will own is exciting and scary all at the same time. We continue to pray to the ONE in control as we approach closing. From the beginning we have felt His peace over this home. We are so thankful that so far everything has run smoothly. We'll see what the future holds but we are thankful we know WHO holds the future.

As for our Tuckahoe good byes.... We will miss our wonderful neighbors that have been such a big part of our lives. The Wilsons (now in Italy), the Lassons, Joe and Kathy, and Fran, Ben and Katarina-- sweet neighbors we will always hold dear in our hearts. We plan to keep in touch with them and only pray that our new neighbors will be just as amazing! Time will only tell...

Until our next post, please be praying for us as we prepare for our BIG MOVE. Tuckahoe Sundays is coming to an end.... but Wedgewood Wednesdays will bring new adventures! (cheesy I know.. :) )

We would also like to extend a HUGE thank you to my parents who have blessed us beyond what any parent should, by allowing us to stay in the Tuckahoe home for five years. We love you guys! May God bless you two with continued blessings for your loving kindness.

----------------------- Prayer Needs and upcoming events ------------------------

-My brother-n-law, David is home safely for two weeks of R&R from Afghanistan. Please keep Priscilla (my sister) and their children, lil'D, Izzy and Solomon in your prayers as they spend such a short period of time together before he heads back for six more months.

-Pray for my sister Kimberly and her husband Tony as they began the adoption process for a boy/their hopeful new son, Joshua from Ethiopia. Joshua will be joining three sisters and one brother my sister and brother-in-law adopted from the Ukraine this time last year. God is so good and I can not wait for another nephew!

-Keep my sister Jessica and her husband, Rick in your prayers as they FINALLY will be together in May. Jessica will be leaving Hawaii and will be joining Rick at Ft. Drum, NY. They are scheduled to leave for Afghanistan in September this year for a 12 month tour. Great honeymoon, right? Please lift them up!

-Josh's sister and brother-in-law are moving to a new home this weekend. Please keep them in your prayers as they move to a new home with their five children (sixth one is on the way in August!). May this move be as stress free as possible!

Thank you for your prayers!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Chicken Fridays and Salad Sundays....

Winter 2009-2010

(We actually got about 6.5 inches of snow!!! We loved it!)

Some of you may be wondering if we have kept up with our pizza Fridays and ice cream Sundays... well since Josh and I both have been trying to slim down we have started eating a little differently. As much as we love pizza and ice cream, we have had to cut back. Payton on the other hand loves pizza and of course ice cream!

Payton giving me her WILD woman face!

Payton loving on her rocking dog.... she loves to give him kisses too!

Payton is almost 15 months old!! She is walking, pretending to read, blowing and giving kisses, waving, and growing up so fast! She has a mouth full of teeth and an appetite that enables her to use them. Josh and I have been enjoying this time with her as she is walking and smiling more and more. She however has been fighting ear infections off and on since September leading to her BIG EVENT this Friday...... surgery for TUBES!!

Payton's favorite, Ernie!!

I am extremely hopeful that the tubes will help and that Payton will be back to her old herself. No one likes to see their little one sick, cranky, hurting, or upset. She as good days and bad days..... praying the surgery will be a success. Please keep her in your prayers.

Some of you may know that I have applied to be on a short term missions trip with our church this summer. I am in the beginning stages of preparing to go to Brussels July 2010 to work with the program "Serve the City" with a missionary our church supports, Carlton Deal. I am excited to be joining several team members that have participated on this missions trip in the past and with some that have not. Josh and I's good friends, Chris and Suzy Epperley will also be attending. I am so looking forward to what God has in store for us.

Christmas 2009- spent a wonderful Christmas in Stafford with family!

With the summer trip approaching, I am nervous about leaving little Payton for almost two weeks. Josh will be able to watch her for a few days on his own and then my mom will come down from Stafford to help. Please pray for both of them as they prepare to help out little Payton while I am gone. I have never left Payton for more than one night. This is going to be a big deal! Please pray for me as well.

CHEESE... just LOVE her!

In the mean time, I am staying busy at the church. I attend a women's bible study on Thursday mornings that is rocking my world. We are studying Kay Arthur's study titled "Covenant- God's Enduring Promises". HIGHLY recommend... so thankful to be learning and growing with other fellow women serving Christ. Payton and I attend and sometimes host a play group during the week. We love visiting with our friends the Stafford's, Kleemann's and Burris'. Of course Sunday's keep me busy while working with the children's ministry responsibilities, but I continue to be blessed by all those that serve our little ones! Josh and I are really starting to feel at home at PCC. God has been so good to us.

Payton's zombie walk... :)

Speaking of different involvements.... I am off to get some work done. Until next time we pray that God would bless you and keep you!!

Love- The Smiths

CONGRATS to my sister and NEW brother-n-law!!!

Mr. and Mrs. Thornberg
December 27, 2009