Sunday, July 26, 2009

New Job....Family Ties...

My amazing husband and daughter... hanging out!

Payton sun bathing.... (how do you rotate pictures on her??)

David Isaac, my nephew getting ready to go down a water slide in Stafford, VA... brave boy!

Payton loves mommies wallet... hanging out at the Mariner's Museum Summer Concert!

My adorable niece, Isabella on the 4th of July

PopPop with Payton and Isabella (Payton's cousin)

What a great week we had! Josh continued working on the fence which is almost finished. Hopefully by tomorrow it will be complete and not a minute too soon. Even this past week our oldest dog, Toby decided to sneak out the hole in the fence in the backyard. Needless to say, after yelling for him for a while and a few tears later he showed back up. I was so happy to see him back, that the little bugger didn't get in trouble. He was having a lucky day for sure!

This week I started my new job as the Children's Ministry Coordinator (Infants/Toddlers). What a blessing this week was with helping out at the church. I am extremely excited for the opportunity to meet and get to know people at Peninsula Community Chapel. Another ministry I am involved in is our mother outreach program, mom2mom. I am also very very excited for the fall and for what mom2mom will entail. Check out our new site:

Thursday I was able to visit with my mom for a hot second before her cousin, Jane and Jane's family arrived. They crashed at our place Thursday night and then we were all off to my grandparents for the day to visit. My sister and her three children were there as well as my Aunt, Uncle, cousins, and cousins babies. It was one WILD, FUN FILLED day. We are very blessed with a wonderful family. Payton enjoyed hanging out with other kiddos as well.

Saturday night was pizza night and our buddy, Chris came over. We played some cards and had some laughs. If you have ever played the card game NERTS you'd understand. If not... Josh and I will have to show you how to play. Good Times! Saturday was also my sister, Kimberly's birthday. What a year she has had, she and her husband adopted four kids this year from the Ukraine. What a blessing this year has been for she and her husband, as well as our family! I am so thankful for her and hope she had a fantastic birthday, first birthday with her children. Memories.... :)

Well, on to another busy week. Until next Sunday evening... have an amazing week and God bless!

1 comment:

  1. Love the new blog, sis! Welcome to the world of bloggers! ha! MISS YOU!!!
