Friday, August 7, 2009

Melissa and kids....

Cousin Kierra (4 Months) and Payton (8 Months)

Caleb, Kirsten, Payton, Kierra, Connor and Kaitlin (who wasn't feeling well)

Kaitlin is such a cutie!!

Yummy Dinner time....

Payton holding fruits of daddy's labor...

Sorry for the late post.... the weekend was packed and filled with wonderful new memories. Last week Josh and I stayed busy with finishing the fence and with my new job. I kept busy by hanging out with some great ladies from out church on Thursday evening. We had a wonderful time playing "get to know you games" and Pictionary. I ended up leaving early so that I could visit with my mom and dad briefly as they stopped by. They were in town visiting friends from Hawaii. Dad spent the night and Payton was able to hang out with her Pop Pop for a little bit the following morning. Then on Friday evening Josh, Payton and I attended a cookout with our home group (bible study) members at the Chan's home. It was wonderful seeing our friends after being apart this summer. After a few hot dogs we enjoyed playing some NERTS before having to head home to put Payton to bed.

Saturday we were super excited to Melissa and the kids visit. We have not seen much of the Rhoades family since our family grew as well as theirs. With Tiger in "Sin City" on busy... Melissa decided to come down for a quick visit. We made a yummy dinner together... homemade pizza and MORE hot dogs... lol. Then as I prepared for Sunday's crafts with Kaitlin's help... Connor, Kristen, Josh and Melissa played MORE NERTS! :) Once I completed my projects for church Kaitlin and Caleb joined me by snuggling together in my room while watching "Enchanted". Have a said yet how ADORABLE these kiddos are. We really do miss them! Kierra is FOUR months old now and is such a cutie pie. Payton enjoyed playing and laughing with her cousins.

Sunday I headed to church early to get things ready for the services and Josh stayed home with the kiddos and Melissa. It's my understanding that Uncle Josh made some nice waffles with bananas.... yum!! Once I returned from church we headed to Virginia Beach to visit the Aquarium there. What a blast we had!!! I really enjoyed looking at everything and watching Payton's expressions... priceless! After fighting traffic to get home... we popped in a movie and crashed! Melissa and the kiddos ended up leaving the next morning leaving Payton and I lonely! However, we had a fantastic time and can't wait til the next visit!

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